Friday, April 8, 2011

Have Arrived in LA

I've made it to LA safe and sound with no dramas. Yay!

A fellow Yogi from my home studio in Burleigh is here also and so it has been nice to have a familiar face around. I must admit that I would have felt a little daunted arriving here and having to find my way around totally alone. Not that I couldn't have managed it of course, being the Nomad that I am. Packing up my life and moving to another country is something I've done several times now. I think perhaps its the added pressure of Training that added to the nerves I felt when we landed here.

So have been here a few days now. The day I arrived was raining and very windy, but since then we have had stunning clear blue skies. Which unfort have been accompanied by freezing temps and cold winds (well ok, not freezing by world standards, but after two years on the Goldie, day temps that only get to the mid teens less windchill feels very cold.)

Spent the first day going on a Tiki-tour (Kiwi for sightseeing) of some of the main attractions - Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, Bev Hills etc. Pic above is of me standing in front of the famous Hollywood sign. Unfort didn't get the zoom on the camera right and so the sign in barely visible in the distance. But by the time I realised this, I decided it was too bl**dy cold to go back out there to get another one! Will have to try again on a nicer day.

Have managed to get in a couple of yoga classes. The first one at a regular yoga studio in Hollywood (how very LA of us!) which was in a beautiful old building, and so the room was large, sunny, bright and airy with timber floors. Not something you tend to get in Bikram studios! It certainly gave the studio a beautiful energy and I really enjoyed the class. The instructors (1 leading the class and 2 trainees) were incredibly knowledgable and I learnt SO much in just that one hour class. It made me realise just how far I have yet to go on my joga journey.

Also got in a class at a Bikram studio in Silverlake, near Hollywood. It was a Saturday morning class, so very busy (at least 60 yogis) and the room was really hot but with very little humidity which makes a HUGE difference and so it was really manageable. I had imagined that after being on the plane and not having eaten properly, that my first class here I would surely be hit by the Yoga Bus, but I had a really strong practice.

So a nice start to our venture, and I don't feel any jet lag which I'm sure is due to the yoga. Looking forward to get out and about and seeing some more of the sights.