Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday Night Movie

1:00am Movie Starts

I am an unwilling Pawn in an over-grown child's game.

A game of manipulation, full of power trips and mind games.

Instead of war, the threat is that I won't receive my certification if I don't comply and carry out my orders without question.

I do what is asked of me........... unthinking........... unfeeling.

I feel soul-less.

4:00am I have lost the plot.............................

Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie

With Maree from Brisbane, Dale from Capalaba, and Ben from the 'Gabba (that's Woolongabba for you non-Australians). Some of you yogis from home may recognise Ben (Maddy's partner) He taught the class today and I have to say it seemed so strange to be hearing the Ozzie accent on the podium. Loved his class and so hope to catch up again once back in sunny QLD :-)