Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday July 2nd, 4pm

This is the day I will step onto the podium in our home studio and teach my first ever official Bikram Yoga class.

I will be responsible for leading yogis through their 90 minute meditation. For getting them in and out of the postures safely and without killing anybody! LOL.

This is my chance to pull it all together, to put my money where my mouth is, to dare I say it, "trust the process" and fulfill a dream I have had for 3 years now.

I am SO excited! Though I have to admit to getting a knot in my stomach and a feeling of angst at the thought of it also. Needless to say as soon as I got the email from Jodes, our studio owner, and had a confirmed date, I have been studying the dialogue with much more vigour!

Suddenly, after wishing the hours, the days away for so long, time seems to be going too fast and I want the hours to last longer so that I can get more studying in. There still seems to be so much that I don't know. I haven't practiced delivering the left side of any postures, let alone a 2nd set. What is the timing for the postures? Have I said it out loud enough times so that it flows naturally? Is there enough inclination in my voice? Is my class going to be too easy or too hard? Is.....? Do I............? What if..........? Have I................................? Oh dear.............................

Steph, just breathe! And go get that dialogue out...... :-)

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear you have your first class scheduled. You will be fantastic!! Congrats!!
