Friday, April 29, 2011
The Art of Being a Teacher
Part of the rationale behind making TT so tough is that they hope it will teach us to be compassionate with our students. When we're having a tough class and / or struggling with a posture she said to think about how you're feeling, how you're breathing, what is going on in your head and how you get through that - and to remember those feelings when you see students struggling in your class.
Granted we want everyone to "kill themselves" and work hard but there is also a need to recognise when someone has maybe hit the wall and is having a hard time in class and to respect that. And that means, that if they need to sit down, if they need to drink lots of water, whatever it may be that we should NEVER make assumptions about what someone is capable of. We don't know what is going on in there lives and what kind of day they might have had etc, so we should respect that as adults we are all capable of making the right decision about how to look after ourselves. We need to empower our students to make the right choices about what is right for them.
She spoke a lot about the fact that in her opinion, someone doing some yoga is better than them doing none at all. Therefore if they are late to class (she will allow yogis to come in at any stage through Pranayama breathing) or need to leave early then that is ok. She said we are yoga teachers not prison guards and we should make the yoga room a safe place for your students not a prison cell. A lot of things are non-issues and so don't worry about them.
On the flip side she said we need to learn how to get the best out of our students and recognise when people are responding positively to corrections or being pushed. And that as a teacher when we are practicing we should lead by example and be the kind of student we want to teach. E.g. We can do this by teaching our students when to drink water. Don't tell them NOT to drink, but tell them when it is time for a water break and they will then learn when its appropriate to drink.
So all in all a much more relaxed approach to whats going on during class and I hope I remember to take that with me into the hot room. Much as I like having the discipline and work really hard to not fidget, drink water, and get distracted etc, I realise that is how I like my practice but may not necessarily work for everyone, and yeah sometimes you just have a crappy practice for seemingly no reason at all, and to just let that happen :-)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
First Milestone Completed!
I couldn't post yesterday as there has been problems with the wifi internet in our rooms and so it mean't we couldn't get access online. Which is probably just as well as yesterday was probably my worst day to date and so it would have just been a post of bitching and ranting. Hmmm, only took 10 days for me to get the shits with all of this. Oy!
It didn't help that the night before we were up till 4 a.m. watching a Bollywood movie. I actually really enjoyed the movie but I struggled to get by the next day on only 3.5 hours sleep and so my temperment and frame of mind was not good.
I am starting to understand why some teachers said to me that though its an amazing life changing experience they would not choose to come back here. There are a lot of what I call "following like sheep" exercises which is just a necessity when trying to manage a large number of people like this, and you have to have the mentality of just "playing the game" and being where you need to be when you need to be etc etc.
Its a mind set and a great lesson in being present and just learning to deal with things as they are because thats what "is". E.g. We have to prepare our own meals and there is only one (repeat ONE) working microwave for 430 peops to share. Now you don't have to be a mathematician to realise that getting your food cooked at mealtimes is going to be a mission, so you just learn to prepare your meals in other ways. NO amount of complaining is going to magically make another microwave appear, though some people want to give it a good go!
Anyway, today is a different day and after a full night's sleep I'm feeling human again. I knew that for me the sleep deprivation was probably going to be the most difficult thing for me to cope with. My practice is coming along well and I have had a number of really strong classes which always feels good :-)
Emmy taught this mornings class and apparently will teach reguarly on Tuesday and Thursday mornings so that is something to look forward to. She is the only teacher who doesn't teach on the podium - its so high she says she feels like she is going to get a nose bleed up there. lol And she doesn't say the dialogue in the way we are to learn it, which keeps you really present as you can't predict when to go in and out of postures.
She said that when teaching a class she feels like a conductor leading an orchestra and the energy from all of us in the room dictates how to lead us. A nice thought, except we were all SO tired from the late night before I would imagine the energy we were giving off would not have made for very nice music at all..........yawn.......sigh..........
Some notes from this afternoon's class, that is class # 18 (Thursday) which Jim taught and I really enjoyed:
Eagle - to keep you hands / palms together and pull the elbows down BEFORE you interlock the fingers if you need to. This makes you use your shoulders to pull the elbows down rather than your hands. Also, which ever leg is on top after you've "twisted like ropes" that, that is the direction to twist your legs towards to get everything in one line. e.g. If your left leg is on top then you would twist your knees to the left.
Standing head to knee: That you have to bend forward even a few inches rather than just standing straight up and holding the knee (if you can't bend all the way forward). Its a forward bending posture and you have to get your body to start doing it to gain any improvement.
The same for camel, you have to keep your knees together at the start of the posture and go into it that way so that you don't create a habit of spreading the knees always thinking you are unable to do it.
He stressed that it is very important that we don't modify the postures to suit the body and any injuries / inflexibilities we might have. That we have to change our body to be able to do the posture. Therefore even if you can't do the posture fully you have to go as far as you can even if thats just going a few inches in the right direction.
Apparently if you took a dead body you would be able to put it into any yoga posture regardless of how inflexbile that person might have thought they were. This just shows how much of it is mind over matter and how our mind holds us back. Interesting eh? Not that I want to be doing yoga with dead bodies to prove it!
Well I think thats it for today. I'm having to come down to the lobby for wi-fi access so need to get back up to my room and organised for tonight's lecture. Lets hope its not a late one. Hmmm I think that may be my new mantra as I say it at at the end of every post!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Ardha Chandrasana Kiwi Style
We only have about 60 yogis to go now so this part of the dialogue will soooooooon be finally over. Yay! I understand the reason behind having to hear everyone do it etc but its getting harder to stay present through the endless hours of hearing the same words repeated over and over. And the peops are getting restless too which means there's lots of under-the-breath chatter etc which makes it harder to concentrate.
Anyway, we had another class with the lovely Emmy this morning. I just love her classes as I learn so much from her.
The points I wanted to note from her class today:
There are 4 things we must have in our practice:
1. Frequency
2. Intention
3. Precision
4. Mindfulness
Awkward posture - She spoke about the position of the feet and how if they tend to flare in it equates to weak pelvis muscles, and if they flare out then your pelvis muscles are too strong. If its natural for them to be a perfect letter "H" then your muscles are in balance.
Triangle - step out wide enough from the start so that when you bend your knee to sit down you don't have to shuffle your feet which often throws your alignment out.
Sit up - to roll like in Rabbit posture, tuck your chin in and look at your stomach on the way up. Its about rolling in and compressing rather than a stretching posture.
Some notes from other classes I had forgotten. I think it was Miranda's class on Saturday morning when she was stressing the importance of Savasanah and how you must learn to lie still. She said, when in your life is doing absolutely nothing the correct thing to do? Make the most of it! What is more important your hair / costume / water bottle or your spine?
This afternoon's class was taught by Bikram who was in a great mood and so he was bopping around on stage and dancing etc. Which is really funny so long as you're not IN a posture while he's having a little boogie. Oy!
I am really enjoying his classes and so long as you don't take anything he says too personally his sense of humour really cracks me up at times. He has great energy and gets away with saying things nobody else could. i.e. Who else is able to shout at someone, "do you understand fucken English? What the fuck are you doing?" Baaahhaaaaahhaaaaa. It totally cracks me up and only Bikram can carry that off. Mind you I haven't yet been the one he's yelling out, so it may feel completely different then!
Tonight its back for a lecture with him. No dialogue clinic. Yee friggin ha! I'm looking forward to hearing what topics will be discussed and what he has to say. Will fill you in tomorrow :-)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Into the 2nd Week
Class this morning was ok. I felt totally ready for a class after having had some time off but paid big time for having eaten all that junk food over the weekend. As I well know, what I eat has a direct correlation to how I'm going to feel in class, and fries, coke and processed food means I'm going to feel like I'm trying to stretch concrete. Ugh. To make matters worse the room was not very hot at all and so I didn't feel I got hot enough to stretch all those toxins out.
Anyway, its was a stunning day so after class I managed to squeeze in an hour by the pool before heading to posture clinic for more, you guessed it, Ardha Chandrasana dialogue. Oy! We have been at this for days now and I still haven't managed to even get my name on the list of people waiting to go up in front of the group and Bikram, so who knows when I will get my turn. Needless to say its hard to stay interested and motivated considering we must have heard over 300 yogis get up and say the same piece now, but I CAN say it will be imbedded in my brain 4 EVERRRRRRR!
Bikram took the class this afternoon and is definitely starting to push us a little harder and has less patience with people who aren't listening and making the necessary corrections. Which is to be expected and I don't feel he is asking us to do any more than you would expect from a teacher's practice, which is what we're all here to become!
I am suprised at some of the bad habits some people have and realise how well the teachers at our home studio have taught us basic discipline - so I thank you all as it has mean't there are things I just don't have to worry about (like wiping sweat, adjusting my towel, unnecessary moving around during and between the postures.)
Then after class it was back to the lecture room for more dialogue clinic. Bikram only kept us till midnight so it was an early night by TT standards thankfully as I'm feeling really tired. Seems I still haven't caught up on sleep from last week.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Venice Beach
After a lazy start to the day my roommate and I headed to Venice Beach. We parked a few streets away and then walked up around the canals to get to the beach. It was such a lovely area, nice and peaceful - until we got to the beach that is.
The change in energy hit us like a tonne of bricks and it was just sensory overload. It doesn't look it in the picture but it was crowded, noisy and full of street vendors all looking for business. Very touristy and hard to get a true sense of what the area and local culture is like, though I'm guessing locals probably just don't go down there (much like Surfers Paradise at home which we rarely ever visit for the same reasons - too touristy and far more beautiful less crowded places to go).We lasted maybe an hour amongst the hustle and bustle and then had had enough. If one week of living in the yoga bubble makes us feel like this I can't imagine what its going to be like after nine?
So now I'm making the most of the rest of our time off and just catching up on things and getting organised for the week ahead. I am SO glad I put the effort into learning dialogue before I came as it has taken the pressure off now and means I can cruise for a few weeks yet. Insert BIG smile here! :-)
Bikram's Bentley which was parked outside our hotel today. Who said you can't make money teaching yoga?
Notes from Emmy's Class
First thing was that she got up and announced that she wouldn't do the class saying the regular dialogue as she didn't want us practicing on auto-pilot and so that gave us such great focus. Something we should be able to do anyway, but it was amazing just the way she was able to talk about each posture.
- Standing bow: When you put your L arm up (in first set) to look at your fingertips in the mirror (tho dialogue says knee) as this will help get your head/ chin in line when you charge forward.
- Camel: When you first drop your head back, consciously take a few breaths to release your fear / angst.
- Fixed Firm: If you have trouble sitting back with your knees together, to start the posture standing on your knees with your knees together. Then sit down keeping your kness together. This will help you get into the posture correctly much quicker rather than having to wait for your knees to open. (Will have to ask someone who can't do this posture as I'm able to do it no trouble so can't comment on the diff it makes.)
- Locust: Single leg lift - to think about kicking your leg up like you do in standing bow so that you activte from your hip.
- Triangle: When you turn your foot to the side in the set up to keep your hips in the centre rather than letting your weight shift to the back leg. Something that I wasn't conscious of doing but think I was.
- Floor Bow: Knees together to start in set up.
She made a great comment in Locust that cracked me up. In the single leg lift peops must have had their leg moving around. She said, "why do you have your leg waving around? No-one is coming to help you! Keep your leg still". Baaahaaaahaaa. Maybe its the lack of sleep, but that really appealed to my sense of humour.
She also said that when you're practicing twice a day, that if you're easily flexible then to work hard in the A.M. class to gain strength and take it easy in the P.M. class. And that if strength was your positive then to take it easy in the A.M. and work harder in the P.M. as your body is more warmed up then and would give you better chance to improve your flexibility. Good tip.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Food Obsession
Saturday! Mmmmmmm the start of a weekend :-) Not a particuarly interesting pic but just wanted to record the first time I got out of the hotel!
Only one class today at 8:00am and then the rest of the day was ours to do as we wished. The class was taught by Miranda a visiting teacher from Montreal who is working at Headquarters for our training. I had another great class and eased through it as the humidity and heat were really temperate. Not something I expect to last :-(
Then, my roommate and I decided to hire a car and stock up on food and bulky items that are too heavy to manage on a bus etc. There are some fabulous huge warehouse style food markets here that sell natural / organic / healthy food. You are spoilt for choice in terms of variety - which is just as well as we are all OBSESSED with food!
It is the most talked about topic so far. Forget about how well you did or didn't manage the class; random cravings, food obsessions, whats working and whats not are the hot topic. I am craving things I haven't eaten in years. i.e. bagels with cream cheese! I wouldn't have had one of those probably since I lived in Canada which is 20 years ago, and yet I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to eat more?
For some reason none of the things I would eat at home appeal anymore and my cravings are like someone with split personality disorder as they constantly change from sweet to savoury and everything in between. And just when you think you've got it figured out, your tastebuds go totally the opposite again. E.g. Just the thought of the peanut butter sandwich I had yesterday (What the...? Again, something I NEVER eat) made me feel sick this morning. Oy...............
It reminds me of a Billy Connelly scenario where he talks about a woman's / or minority groups' demands: "I want this! I want that! I want some of that! A little bit of that! And all of that! And its all going to change tomorrow, so you'd better fucken stay awake!
Anyway, as you can imagine it made for an interesting shopping trip and we have enough food to feed a small African nation. But hey, I am happy to shop a little more now and have all the variety and options at hand rather than be trying to get through without - God forbid!
I was about to say, alright enough about food, I'll tell you about the rest of the day, when I realised that it involved going out to a restaurant for dinner. Ha ha... what did I tell ya! Even though our room looks like a corner grocery store, we decided we would revel in the luxury of having time to get out of the hotel and go out for a leisurely meal.
We went down to Manhatten Beach which is less that ten minutes drive from here. It was so nice to get out and see the ocean....sigh......though made me feel a bit homesick as you can imagine. My roommate who is from Seattle was delighting in how warm it was and toyed with the idea of going back tomorrow for a swim but I was bloody freezing!
We had dinner in a restaurant near the beach and caught up with some other yogis. (Pretty hard to go anywhere within a 20 mile radious and not see someone from our group) One of the girls was Paula from Chille, who used to practice at our studio on the GC and has since moved to Auckland. It was her birthday so it was nice to celebrate that with her. Photo is to show the food we ordered; Buffalo wings, fries, garlic bread, pasta and then dessert. Granted I barely touched the pasta, but the rest was divine and eaten without any thought to the amount of calories it all contained..........Mmmmm Mmmmmm. :-) I'm beginning to see how peops can come to TT and actually put ON weight.
Friday, April 22, 2011
We've made it through the first week! You can't believe how good it feels to know we have only ONE class tomorrow and then the rest of the weekend is free. What pure bliss. Everything through the week is on such a tight schedule that it will be so nice to just sit down and not have to be somewhere.
Its Easter Friday and so as a treat Bikram has given us the evening off and we don't have to back for a lecture and / or movie tonight. Honestly that was the best news we had heard all week. Free time is SO precious here! Its a long weekend at home and so everyone will be enjoying 4 days off. OMG You can't imagine how jealous I am. Not that I don't want to be here but that I would love 4 days off in a row!
They have started making us sign in for all our classes and lectures now (which means you are signing in 4 times a day). All are compulsory and if you miss one or even forget to sign in for one you have to do a make up class on Saturday morning. My goal for TT is to NEVER EVER EVER have to do a make up class. Thanks, but NO thanks. Eleven classes a week is going to be well and truely enough.
So as you can imagine getting 430 people anywhere takes bloody ages. You line up and wait for an elevator (and hope when if finally does get to your floor that its not already jammed full with yogis :-0) Then you line up to sign in, then line up to get a towel, then line up to get into the yoga room, line up for that last toilet break, etc etc you get the idea. And its like that all day whenever you go anywhere.
So far I'm coping with it all ok. My roommate is lovely and we have got our little routines worked out etc so we manage to eat and get everywhere on time. What is strange is that I haven't even stepped outdoors in nearly a week. These pics are the view from our room, my only contact with the outside world. Otherwise the view is the inside 4 walls of the yoga room or the lecture room.......
Needless to say I am hanging out for the weekend and some time to even just get out and feel the sun for a while and breath natural air rather than A/C. Its amazing how its the small things like that, that we are already starting to really appreciate. There are all the big obvious "buzz" things like all the people you get to meet, the amazing teachers we get to connect with, Bikram himself and the whole TT experience, but its the little things that you take for granted out there in the real world that we now really appreciate. Some of the more random ones that make the difference between a good day and a bad one:
1. Still finding ice in the ice machine (I don't know what time people start getting up around here and getting ice for their water botttles for morning class but the ice machine is ALWAYS empty on our floor? Which then results in having to go up and / or down to other floors to raid theirs)
2. Catching the elevator to class or lectures and having it arrive empty or still with enough room that you can actually get into it. With 430 yogis over 6 floors you can imagine the rush hour traffic jam in the elevators.
3. Finding yourself alone for any period of time.
4. Going to bed on the same day that you got up. (Has only happened once so far)
5. A space in the hot room where you can lie down without anybody's feet on your head, or stuff in your space.
6. But the best of all: Finding that your water is still cold at the end of class! Heaven. Yes after going 2 years with pretty much never even taking water to class I have already resigned myself to taking water WITH ice into the class with me! Mind you its just one regular water bottle, I haven't got a "water tower of shame". Some people look like they are prepared to spend a week hiking in the outback with all the supplies they bring in. lol
Well, I think thats all my thoughts for today. We're searching the TV channels in hope of a good movie and going to settle in, eat some popcorn and prob fall asleep within minutes. Enjoy your Easter weekend everyone ;-)
P.S. This morning's class was taught by Brandy, who is the current world champion. I loved it and had a strong class that made me feel like I was finally getting into my groove with things. Lets just hope it lasts! :-) She had some comments I wanted to record but they have totally slipped my mind for now? Lets hope they come to me later :-)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thirsty Thursday
I would have liked to have taken notes as some of the things he said were so eloquent but honestly at 4 a.m. my brain just was not functioning. We will have plenty more lectures with him so hopefully the topic comes up again - and hopefully at a more reasonable hour.
The class this morning was taught by Emmy who is a reknowned teacher and adored by many. She was fabulous, looks stunning for her age (86!) and had such energy. Unfortunately for me, it was my worst class to date as I felt totally nauseous through the whole class and spent most of the time just trying not to throw up. I couldn't even drink water - hence the "Thirsty Thursday" title for this post.
(I have a heap of notes from her class I want to write about but will have to wait till Saturday as simply don't have time tonight. Along with more pics to upload but the internet service runs so slowly with everyone using it all at once in what little spare time we have.)
I came back from class and lay down until it was time for the posture clinic to start by which time I started to feel marginally better and could actually get some food and liquids down. My food of choice? Peanut butter sandwich. How random considering I never eat it at home but my roommate had some and it as the ONLY thing that didn't make my stomach turn at the thought of eating it. So the random food cravings everyone warns about have started already.
Then it was back to the lecture room where more yogis delivered their half moon dialogue. We are over the 200 mark but there are still 230 to go so we'll be doing it for a few more days yet.
Bikram took this afternoon's class and I rocked it and felt the best I had all day. I nailed all the postures, did what felt like my best standing bow posture since arriving here, AND got my appetite back. This time I had an unrelenting craving for french fries - so thats what I got. Disgusting greasy fries - upsized, with a burger and coke - upsized. And I devoured EVERY bit of it. Heaven!
So now we're about to head back to the lecture room where I will sit back and digest and watch the show...... :-)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Hump Day
At the same time I don't want to wish my time here away as if there is one thing that everyone agrees on it is that the 9 weeks will fly be and we will all be back in the real world before we know what has hit us. Certainly to be able to take 9 weeks from our regular lifestyles to go and do something we love is an invaluable gift and opportunity and so I want to try and relish every moment (some obviously more than others).
So last night we were only kept up till midnight doing Posture clinic - early by Bikram's standards. Then it was up and ready for class by 8 a.m. this morning. I certainly did not feel like class at all when the alarm went off, but I have to admit that afterwards I did feel revitalised. A reminder of how well this yoga works.
It also helped that I had my first reasonably strong class since we've been here. Yay! The class was taught by another one of Bikram's first Teachers, Marlee who has such great energy. It helped that the heat and humidity were far more within what felt like a normal range and she was purposely kind to us so that we had energy for our 2nd class later in the day. You can't imagine how much we appreciated that :-)
She called the Half Tortoise Pose / Ardha-Kurmasana her "Thank God" pose. Now I'm sure she means thanking God because we are bowing in the posture, but I think there will be plenty of times when I'm in it and say, "thank God" because it means we're 3/4's of the way through the class. lol
For the first time since I've been here I managed to get my forehead to knee in both sets of standing head to knee and didn't fall out. Always a nice achievement. In fact I felt strong in all the standing postures and wasn't just going through the motions which is all I have managed in the previous classes.
So then the day was spent in posture clinic again. With 430 yogis having to deliver their Half Moon dialogue its going to go for days. We're not even halfway yet, and are going back after dinner tonight at 9:30pm for another session.
Our 5pm class was taken by Waan (sp?) and again it was a great class. By no means easy, but I got through it really well and was able to get into full extension of all the postures again.
He had a wonderful insight about the art of complaining where he said that "complaining is a sign of life" and that as a teacher if there is one thing we can count on its that students will ALWAYS find something to complain about. So I apologise now to all my teachers :-)
I had another strong class that I felt comfortable in (well as comfortable as one can be in a hot room) and I managed to do all postures to the full extent without too much trouble.
So now we're on a dinner break and then its back at 9:30pm for some more dialogue clinic and then a Hindu movie so who knows what time things will finish up tonight? Lets just hope its a short movie!
Thanks for all your messages everyone, and Sean for sending us love and energy from the Gold Coast studio. It means a lot when you're so far from home. Namasate xx
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Two for Tuesday
The 8a.m. class this morning was lead by Jim Kallet, one of Bikrams first ever teacher trainees. He has a lovely energy about him and I really enjoyed his teaching style.
They room was at a better temp too which made a HUGE difference. I think in light of the mass exodus in class yesterday afernoon they realised the heat and humidity needed to be adjusted and so the class was cooler. Which by NO means, means it even NEAR cool, it was just less hot. It still felt as humid as some of our days on the Coast and so was a fairly tough class none the less.
I took it really easy, and didn't push in any of the postures so was able to make it through without having to sit down at all. A small measure of success in the Bikram TT World :-) And after yesterday's insane class my goal was going to be just to not run from the room screaming!
So there are a few things that are done differently here. In the 2nd set of Pada Hastasana there is no moving the hips to relax the back, its just straight into hands underneath the heels. He said the reason being, that the body has already been there before so is warmed up enough already.
In Standing Head to Knee / Dandayamana Janushirasna they really emphasize that the grip is just below the toes not in the arch of the foot, so I feel l need to move mine up a little which in turn will help me flex the foot better.
Finally in Head to Knee with Stretching / Janushirasana with Paschimotthanasana (whew!) when you are in the final position with both legs out in front of you, your head has to come down in line with your feet so that there are no wrinkles in the back of your neck. It made a huge difference to how far down I could get my body and it is something I have heard in class before but for some reason didn't register until today?
After class we had posture clinic with Bikram and starting going through Ardha Chandrasana. This is where you have to stand up in front of Bikram and all the 430 yogis and present the first posture. Needless to say its probably going to be the most nerve wracking part of this whole training experience - and no I haven't volunteered to go up yet.
Its amazing just listening to everyone's different styles, personalities and accents. And Bikram, despite all his (sometimes not so funny) jokes and piss-taking, is really very compassionate and seems to know instinctly what each person needs to hear. He said the reason he gets every single trainee to come up and do this is not so that he can see if you know the dialogue or not but rather to get to meet us and see who it is that is going to be out there representing his brand. You've got to give him points for that I reckon as I don't know if any other worldwide business owners could say they know ALL their staff?
When the trainee from Christchurch in NZ came up he asked how their studio was after the earthquake. As it turns out it needs to be totally rebuilt and so Bikram said to tell the studio owner to call him so that he could arrange to help out with funding the re-build so that the studio could re-open as soon as possible. Cool eh! He also spoke of various other charity events that he is contributing to around the world in light of all the recent natural disasters.
So we were in posture clinic all aft until the 5pm class which Bikram took. Again it was pretty hot and humid so I took it really easy. I didn't feel like I had any energy at all and wasn't practicing even close to my full potential. But hey, at this stage I'm still taking it very easy (maybe a little too easy?) and not trying to proove anything to anyone. There is still a long way to go, so I'm really pacing myself.
Monday, April 18, 2011
First class, of the first day, of the first week!
Me after class. I look a lot happier than I felt before the ten minute Savasana I took at the end of it :-) Its amazing though how 15 minutes after being out of class the torture is forgotten!
We were lucky enough to then have the evening free (a one-off as most evenings are filled with lectures or the infamous Bollywood / Hindu movies Bikram insists we watch) So we are relishing the extra time and cooking up a storm so we have meals organised for the next few days. Cooking in a hotel room without a kitchenette is an art form in itself so we are applying the K.I.S.S. principle and eating very simply! And it may become even simpler still as the weeks go by and sleep becomes a priority.
Which suits me fine. I make it no secret that I didn't even put a lot of effort into cooking when I was at home with a fully equipped kitchen and I'm already of the mindset that eating food while here will be primarily an energy source rather than for pleasure :-)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Spring Training Orientation: Radisson Hotel LAX
Friday, April 15, 2011
Stepping Stones
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Back in the City of Angels
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Yosemite National Park
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Yoga in SF
San Fransisco
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Big Sur - "The Greatest Meeting of Land & Sea"
Yoga in Monterey Bay
Friday, April 8, 2011
Have Arrived in LA
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
24 Hours Till Lift Off
Friday, April 1, 2011
My Bags Are Packed

Can I say though, its amazing how much yoga clothes weigh! I have had to re-pack several times to get my bag under 20kg. I can see the guys rolling your eyes here, but hey its just a girl thing.
Another hint from Luke who used to work at TT, was to just buy everything in black that way you didn't even have to waste any time, energy or brain power co-ordinating outfits. Sorry but I just can't bring myself to do this! I'll take the chance that I will still have enough energy to at least co-ordinate my clothes. :-)